Top 5 Mexico

About 8 hours till take off, time for a personal Mexico top 5. Mexico is the country we spend most of our time in and I haven’t even seen all I wanted. We’ve heard about so many interesting places we weren’t able to see on this trip. Well, we might come back.

  1. PalenqueJungle, wildlife and a big but still not too crowded Maya site. Absolutely my favourite on this whole trip and obviously my top1 of Mexico.
  2. Maya ruins at Palenque

  3. Meridá – loved the city (will update as soon as we’ve got the picture gallery online). Been to the zoo twice, mostly because of the great playground. Also we’ve been lucky enough to have wonderful accommodation and meet interesting and nice people.
  4. The main square

  5. San Cristóbal de las Casas – cold, it’s been cold but nevertheless the city is a must see. Friendly people, interesting city, good food. What else can we wish for.
  6. When sun sets San Cristobal comes to life

    When sun sets San Cristobal comes to life

  7. On horse back – in San Cristobal we made a trip on horse back. We all loved it and are now considering taking riding lessons. Absolutely a highlight!
  8. Excursion on a horse, still feels like I'm sitting on one

    Excursion on a horse, still feels like I’m sitting on one

  9. Beach time – the perfect beginning! At casa rosa in Chelem we started into this adventure and we loved it. Pool, ocean, friendly hosts. Perfect start!
  10. Anton's friend at Casa Rosa

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